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Amazing Success for Young Actors at HSFC

Posted on 12th June 2024

Group photo of students with placement or reserve for National Youth Theatre

A huge congratulations to the 'Actor Training Academy' students at MyAV·¶ Sixth Form College who have succeeded in the National Youth Theatre Auditions this year. All twelve of the auditionee's have either been offered a place or have been placed on reserve! 

This amount of success from one school is a really exceptional result. The Performance students at HFSC have always shown talent, but to have this acknowledged by the National Youth Theatre is a real boost for the whole Theatrical Arts department and the students themselves. 

The 'Actor Training Academy' is an enrichment academy dedicated to those wanting to pursue a career in performance. Audition is required to enter the course, and successful applicants have a lesson once per week dedicated to acting training, exploring a range of skills such as vocals and characterisation, an in-depth preparation for auditions.

Any prospective students wanting to audition for September 2024 contact to hear about the upcoming auditions.